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NutriDense Silage Hybrids

NutriDense Silage is nutritionally enhanced corn silage developed specifically for efficient milk production. With fiber quality providing energy from the whole plant, not just grain, NutriDense Silage balances digestibility with rumen function.

With T.A. Seeds NutriDense Silage, BASF Plant Science has developed corn silage hybrids that provide dairy producers with the improvement in feed efficiency (FE) and income over feed costs (IOFC) they need to aid in herd profitability. T.A. Seeds’ NutriDense Silage varieties have excellent tonnage, higher protein content, improved rumen function, 4-8% improvement in FE, and an IOFC advantage.

In order to ship any seed corn with technology traits we must have a current corresponding Monsanto, Dow or Syngenta Stewardship number or signed agreement on file with our office before we can ship product. Prices do not reflect any Zone discounts. You will be contacted by phone or email if you are in an area eligible for any zone discounts to apply to your order.

For more information on NutriDense Silage hybrids please give us a call at 888-836-3697 or send us an email at


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