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LeafMAX 3522 Alfalfa

LeafMAX 3522 Alfalfa

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LeafMAX 3522 is our economically priced alfalfa for shorter rotations. This is a blend of surplus alfalfas, but does not contain vernal alfalfa. 3522 will have average to high yields and quality. Place this economy priced alfalfa on good, well drained soils. Fall dormancy 3.5, winter hardiness 2.0, disease rating 27+. Comes with a lime coating containing micronutrients, Allegience fungicide, and preinoculated with Nitragin Gold inoculant.

Available in a 50 lb. bag

SKU: LeafMAX 3522 Alfalfa Categories: , , Tags: , ,


LeafMAX 3522 Alfalfa is a blend of older alfalfa genetics that are still in production fields but over produced for today’s market.  The demand for the latest and greatest sometimes leaves good varieties in production fields with an oversupply of seed.  We purchase this seed at a slightly lower cost and market it in our LeafMAX 3522 Alfalfa brand.  We do not know the varieties they include but we suggest you use this on good alfalfa soils since the varieties in the bag are subject to change due to inventory.  Any alfalfa in this blend will be at least a fall dormancy 3.5 with a winter hardiness of 2.0 or better.  The disease ratings will be at least 27+.  This alfalfa blend is coated with a lime coating containing micronutrients, Allegience fungicide and is preinoculated with Nitrogen Gold.

Suggested seeding rates:  Seed 18-22 lbs/acre alone, 6-15 lbs/acre in a mixed stand.

Approx. seeds/lb.:  227,000

Seeding depth:  Seed ¼” to ½” deep in a firm, moist seedbed.

Ave. Emergence time (days):  7

Preferred soils:  Well-drained soils with balanced fertility and a pH of 6.8 to 7.0.  Fields should be free of perennial weeds and any herbicide carryover.  Fields should not have been in alfalfa in the previous year to avoid any alfalfa autotoxicity problems.

Establishment:  Use 25-30 units of N at seeding on coarse textured soils with low organic matter, 20-35 lbs N/acre if seeded with a companion crop and 40-55 lbs N/acre if companion will be harvested as silage.  May be planted in spring or late summer.  More specific recommendations for planting, growing, fertilizing and harvesting are available upon request.

Additional information

Weight 54 lbs
Dimensions 28 × 17 × 5 in
Feature Bullet List

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Seed Type

Disease Resistance

Winter Survival

Crop Type



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Bag Size Increment

Price Descriptor

Fall Dormancy

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