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HorseMaster Pro Pasture Mix

HorseMaster Pro Pasture Mix

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HorseMaster Pro is a premium pasture mixture of cool season grasses developed specifically for horses.

  • Rapid establishment
  • Dense sward
  • Low growing point
  • Tolerates traffic and grazing pressure
  • Excellent source of digestible fiber
  • High dry matter production

Available in a 25 lb. bag

CLICK HERE for Horsemaster brochure

Special pricing is for seed ordered this month for the 2025 planting season. Seed will be shipped by late February unless other arrangements are made with our office. 

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HorseMaster Pro is a premium grass seed pasture mixture. Barenbrug’s agronomists have developed this mixture to withstand the grazing and traffic pressure of horses while providing the forage your horse requires. Barenbrug plant breeders have developed modern grass varieties with a low growing point to tolerate the close,continuous grazing patterns of horses. Barenbrug grasses have a high feed value and adequate fiber to maintain animal health and meet the nutrient requirements of a horse. HorseMaster Pro is specially formulated with improved varieties of endophyte-free, soft-leaved tall fescue, orchardgrass, timothy, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. The complementary mixture is rapid to establish, persistent, palatable, and an excellent source of digestible fiber.

HorseMaster Pro is specially formulated to be used as a pasture mixture. It can be utilized as a new seeding and its rapid establishment also makes a good choice as a mixture to thicken an existing pasture.

Seeding rates:

  • Brillion seeding rate is 25 lbs/acre
  • No-till seeding rate is 25-30 lbs/acre
  • Broadcast seeding rate is 35-40 lbs/acre

Seeding depth:  Plant ¼” deep.

Preferred soils:  HorseMaster Pro thrives on a range of soils, given adequate fertility.  It is suited to both shallow and deep soils with light and heavy texture.  Soil pH of 6.0 – 8.0 is suitable for growing HorseMaster Pro.

Establishment:  In moderate climates or in hot, dry areas with irrigation, plantings may be made in both spring and fall. In areas prone to summer drought, early fall sowing is recommended. Before planting, incorporate a balanced starter fertilizer such as 20-20-20 (N-P-K) at about 100 lbs/acre to ensure good establishment of grass after germination. HorseMaster Pro can be seeded via full cultivation, no-till, and broadcast seedings. Full cultivation seedings are recommended. At planting, provide a firm seed bed and plant the seed no deeper than 1⁄4 inch below the surface. HorseMaster’s seedling vigor and rapid establishment also make it suited for no-till and broadcast seedings. For broadcast seedings, a light harrowing and rolling after seeding will promote establishment.

Management:  To maximize tiller growth during the first year, pasture height should be maintained in the 3 to 10 inch range. Once the newly seeded plants are firmly rooted, they should be lightly grazed or machine mowed several times before heavy use. Once established, HorseMaster Pro produces a persistent pasture. Proper grazing management and rest periods will promote optimal forage production and maintain a dense, vegetative stand. Let your pasture grow to a height of 6 inches and then graze or mow to a 3 inch height. The addition of a white clover, such as Barbian, at a seeding rate of 2-3 lbs/acre, will provide a source of available nitrogen which will improve pasture fertility and enhance feed value.

Additional information

Weight 29 lbs
Dimensions 28 × 17 × 6 in
Bag Size Increment (lbs)


Geographic Zone

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Crop Type


Feature Bullet List

Favorite of many horse owners
Yields well
Takes traffic and close grazing

Price Descriptor

Icons Shown


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